Sunday, 17 April 2011


In the short time that I have been alive, one factor has particularly shaped my passions in life: the ability to speak, to write, to have language with which to communicate. Whilst this statement may sound mundane, you should consider how far the simple act of speaking is taken for granted. How would one cope without the voice afforded by birth? The answer… with difficulty.

There is no substitute for a functioning language or mode of communication. The word is the way by which we connect with each other, communicate with each other, collaborate with each other. From birth, we have been immersed in language: first being talked at, then experimenting with our mother tongue and finally adopting our own idiolectal take on the language which is adhered to by one’s particular society. 

My own interest began with speech impediments as a child. I developed writing skills to compensate in part, and used hand gestures to aid daily life. From this, I grew more absorbed by language and use of the written word.

Alongside this use of language, my childhood tendency to question and to need answer has nurtured an appreciation for the news. Journalism, be it print or broadcast, takes language and uses words with such subtlety, such meaning, such expression. News channels cover events, happenings and changes to the world and personal lives and to cover all of these, we need ask relevant questions and be granted answers that satisfy our thirst for knowledge on the subject.

Consequently, it is my ambition to enter into the field of journalism; working for a newspaper would provide me with opportunity to communicate and question for the masses. In the beginning there was the word. In the future, I hope to continue to push the word with my print. 

This blog will cover various topics: whilst mainly focussed on recent news items, it will incorporate particular exemplum from my daily life as well as opinionated pieces regarding all manner of interests and recent media topics. I have embedded a link to my reporter page for ‘The Yorker’ student newspaper, with the University of York. I will repost this occasionally to refer and remind of the extra material available there. 

Voltaire said “When we hear news, we should always wait for the sacrament of confirmation.” But our beliefs and opinions shape news. News thrives from our interaction with the story itself. News is current and means something to the people. News is what we make it and how we communicate it. 

In the beginning there was the word. At present, the word changes each day: the word is whatever has made the headline. The word is news.

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